Use of test tasks as a means of implementing feedback in English language lessons in senior school
The article examines the essence of the concept of control of foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities of students, defines the types and functions of control. Purposefulness, representativeness, objectivity and systematicity are the qualities, which are studied in the article and are inherent in any type of control. They provide the teacher with the necessary real information about the level of students' mastery of foreign language material, about gaps in knowledge, about strong and weak aspects of the amount of material learned. An analysis of the researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the raised problem was carried out. The main attention is paid to feedback as the leading function of the implementation of control of students' success in English lessons. Student results obtained by the teacher are a reflection of the effectiveness of the methods, techniques, technologies and forms of education used by the teacher. Typical mistakes made by schoolchildren indicate weak points in the teaching methodology and require its improvement. Therefore, the feedback of control contributes to the professional growth of the teacher. With the help of feedback, schoolchildren are convinced of the effectiveness of their efforts, concentrate their attention on the disadvantages in learning the material with the aim of correcting them. Systematic monitoring of the success of students' educational activities form in them a love of work, will, ability for critical thinking and selfcriticism, promotes revision of their own attitude to learning a foreign language, English, in particular and to their educational activities. The article describes test tasks as a means of implementing the feedback function of monitoring the success of high school students in English, defines the requirements for writing test tasks, the rules for their development, characterizes the four levels of student testing, describes the validity, certainty, reliability, practicality, ease of use, prognostic value as the necessary properties of tests. The advantages and disadvantages of testing senior school students in English lessons are indicated.