The main directions of work on the formation of the prosodic component of speech in children with dysarthria

  • Tagan Ludmila Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article provides a brief description of the main components of the prosodic component of speech (pitch, strength, timbre, and melodicintonational: pace, rhythm, pause, logical emphasis, speech breathing). The main directions of work on the formation of the prosodic component of speech in children with dysarthria (development of voice strength; development of voice timbre; development of voice pitch range.) are indicated. It is emphasized the need to study the features of the components of the prosodic component of speech in children of the specified category in order to carry out corrective and speech therapy work. Some characteristics of speech are defined (tempo, rhythm, pauses, logical emphasis, intonation).


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