Physical culture and sports as factors of the anthropo-social sphere in modern pedagogical education

  • Bilohur Vlada Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


Modern pedagogy is a developing knowledge in which traditional
fields (social and humanitarian, natural sciences, and others) are
connected with anthropology, worldview, and other spheres of
social life. The article analyzes the path of society's development
in new fields of pedagogy, where the educational process within
the framework of physical culture and sports acquires a special
character. The research has a theoretical and philosophical
nature. We defined philosophical and pedagogical methodology:
dialectical and systemic approaches, scientific methods of
analysis, comparison, extrapolation, integration. The well-founded
opinion that special anthropo-social relations in the field of
physical culture and sports have been formed in modern society,
which are connected with the social system of physical education
and strengthening of people's physical health. The article
specifies and analyzes the factors of the formation of a healthy
lifestyle, the spread of spectacular events of mass sports and
sports high achievements. It was determined that in modern
society there is a special anthropo-social sphere of healthimproving
physical culture and sports activities. It was concluded
that the self-organization of such an anthropo-social sphere
should correspond as much as possible to the training of a person
in this field, respectively in education, pedagogical and
psychological-pedagogical training, where a special field is being
formed – pedagogy of physical culture and sports, more broadly –
pedagogy of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle, which
is conceptually provided by the relevant scientific field.


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