The influence of the educational environment of the university on the formation of intellectual mobility of future managers

  • Zakharova Iryna, Stativka Valentina Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko


The article reveals the concept of intellectual mobility; the main
characteristics of intellectual mobility are formulated; the main ways of
intellectual development of the personality are analyzed. The analysis of the
researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists regarding the study of the
personality of the future manager, the intellectual development of the
personality and the formation of its intellectual mobility is presented. Various
views on the concept of "educational environment" and the main
characteristics of the educational environment of the university are
presented. The levels of the educational environment of the university, its
components, information nature and influence on the formation of the
intellectual mobility of the future manager are considered. The components
interacting in the educational environment are summarized: spatial, contentmethodical,
communicative-organizational. The definition of an intellectually
enriching environment is given. The important factors of the intellectual
development of the personality in the conditions of the university are given.
Emphasis is placed on the human-centered approach in the conditions of
distance learning, as an educational environment in which the process of
forming the intellectual mobility of future managers unfolds. One of the
distance learning systems is considered, namely the Moodle platform, on the
basis of which the educational process is carried out at the Sumy State
Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. Conditions for the
formation of intellectual mobility of future managers are given.


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