Historical aspects of foreign studies of dyspaxia in children with speech disorders

  • Saienko Yuliia, Domina Vladyslava Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article presents historical aspects of foreign research on
dyspraxia, analysis of sources on the problem of studying and
overcoming dyspraxia. The views of many foreign neurologists,
psychologists, special education teachers, speech therapists,
teachers and other specialists regarding this problem are
highlighted. The author lists the causes of dyspraxia, describes
recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of this disorder,
and also presents a description of various methods and
techniques that can help people with dyspraxia to improve their
communication, learning and behavior skills. Analyzing the
research of foreign scientists who studied dyspraxia, it was
concluded that developmental coordination disorders are also
called «minimal brain dysfunction», or other names are used:
apraxia, dyspraxia, developmental dyspraxia, «motor learning
difficulties», perceptual-motor dysfunction and sensorimotor
dysfunction. Dyspraxia (or developmental coordination disorder)
is a complex of neurological condition that affects muscle
coordination or awareness of where your limbs are in space.
There may be developmental delays in some areas but increased
sensitivity or ability in others. Dyspraxia exists as a condition on
its own, but often occurs in conjunction with hypermobility,
dyslexia, dyscalculia, or Asperger's syndrome. Diagnosis and
correction in the early stages of human development is very
important, so the study of this disease is very relevant nowadays.


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