Psychological and pedagogical aspects of providing continuity in the development of emotional intelligence of children of senior pre-school and younger school age

  • Shevchenko Yuliia Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article analyzes the latest research and publications on the development of
the emotional intelligence of children of older preschool age and children of
lower school age. The psychological and pedagogical aspects of ensuring
continuity in the development of emotional intelligence of these two age periods
are outlined. The coverage of the issue of emotional intelligence development
in the State Standard of Primary Education and in the Basic Component of
Preschool Education (BKDO-2021) was considered. It was found that in both
documents, attention is focused on the competence approach, which enables
the success of pedagogical influences on the development of the emotional
intelligence of an individual. The psychological and pedagogical features of the
development of the emotional intelligence of a child of older preschool age are
characterized and a comparison with younger school age children is given. The
tools (methods and techniques) of pedagogical influence on the development of
emotional intelligence of the age periods under consideration are defined. It is
claimed that a common condition for the successful development of emotional
intelligence in both age periods is the presence of an emotional development
environment consisting of three components: an environment of emotional
support, an environment of emotional activity, and an environment of emotional
correction. Specified components of each component of the environment. It is
explained that full-fledged emotional development is not possible without
supporting partnership relations and observing the concept of childcenteredness.
And also that the development of a child’s emotional intelligence
is influenced by the role of the teacher (teacher of senior groups and primary
school teacher) and other adults (family). It is indicated that manifestations of
impulsivity or authoritarianism in education have a negative impact on the
emotional development of a child. It was concluded that continuity is ensured
primarily by a unified vision and implementation of continuity in the directions of
development of the older preschooler and younger schoolboy through the
understanding of the concept of NUSH and the content of the Basic component
of preschool education.


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