Learning english phonetics using authentic video materials

  • Iryna Barantsova Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


This article is devoted to the problem of using video
materials when teaching students of the universities the
phonetics of the English language. The main attention is
paid to the language of the video (phonetic, lexical,
grammatical means); the compositional and semantic
structure of the video, the method of presentation and the
subject of speech; forms of speech (monologic, dialogical);
the conditions in which phonetics is taught. There are three
levels of teaching phonetics: motivational-stimulating,
analytic-synthetic, higher (understanding the statement).
The criteria for the selection of videos for teaching the
phonetics of the English language are determined:
informative, structural-compositional, sociocultural, criteria
for the form and functional-semantic type of video, the
volume and duration of the message. Teaching phonetics
based on the use of video materials should include predemonstration,
demonstration, post-demonstration stages.


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