The influence of distance education on the development of professional competences of future chemistry teachers

  • Diuzhykova Tetiana, Galitsa Vadym, Kulyk Iryna Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article highlights the influence of distance education on the
development of professional competences of future chemistry
teachers. It was found that the development of professional
competences of future chemistry teachers at the Department of
Chemistry and Chemistry Education of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University is realized in the context
of studying such academic disciplines as “General and Inorganic
Chemistry”, “Inorganic synthesis”, “Organic Chemistry”, “Physical
and Colloid Chemistry”, “Organic synthesis”, “Nanochemistry”,
“Biochemistry”, etc. Studying of academic disciplines in the
distance format is realized through the system of the Centre of
Distance Educational Technologies at Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University.
It was found that the use of virtual chemistry laboratories while
studying chemistry disciplines in the conditions of distance
learning is especially relevant when the educational process is
realized online with the increased amount of self-study learning
material, lack of necessary equipment, reagents and possibilities
for teachers to carry out and demonstrate laboratory experiments.
Carrying out a chemistry experiment as a specific method of
learning in the course of studying all components of the
educational program is an important condition for the formation
and development of the professional competences of the future
chemistry teacher.
It was determined that during distance learning at university,
where a professional training of future chemistry teachers is
realized, it is necessary to develop courses in the field of
chemistry based on the blended scheme, which includes
informative computer materials, such as lectures, tests, webinars,
etc. It was found that the high level of professional competences
of future chemistry teachers allows us to draw a conclusion on
their work by specialty which guarantees successful work of a
chemistry teacher.


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