Critical thinking of teachers and students of the new Ukrainian school

  • Yehorova Yulia. Ponomarets Annа Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article analyzes various methods of conducting Ukrainian
literature lessons, from clusters and fan fiction to quests and book
It was established that in the 21st century there is a rapid increase
in interest in art therapy, cyber security, weaving totems, creating
geotags. It is proved that in the scientific discourse there are
different approaches of modern researchers to the interpretations
of these terms and their uniqueness in the literature. Modern
methodologists (Bernshtein V., Bondarenko M., Yehorova Yu.,
Kopeitseva L.) often use such terms as «interview», «senkan»,
«project», «basket of ideas», «reading or artistic blog». Currently,
we do not have significant critical studies of the defined terms and
concepts in the methodology of conducting lessons on Ukrainian
literature, so we chose them as a spectrum for our own critical
understanding. In various critical reviews, scientists casually
touch only the names of the outlined terms, but all these are only
casual remarks, and they require thorough research and
application in the lessons of the new Ukrainian school.
That is why we see our mission in presenting a broader
interpretation of these terms and concepts and in systematizing
the obtained results. In the process of research, we come to the
conclusion that a modern lesson in a new Ukrainian school is not
possible without operating with such concepts as cluster, fan
fiction, quest, blog, book trailer, art therapy, cyber security, totem,
In this we see the relevance of the critical thinking of teachers and
students of the new Ukrainian school, which in its concept
illuminates an important, hitherto unexplored, marginal topic for
the methodology of Ukrainian literature.
The formation of a global picture and the process of learning these
methods in the daily lesson of literature become the prospect of
further achievements in this field.


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