Formation of environmental competence in English classes through the use of interactive technologies

  • Konovalenko Tetyana, Saіenko Yulіia Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article considers the actual problem of including interactive methods
in English language classes, using which every student has the
opportunity to immerse himself in cooperation, productive
communication, planning his own educational activities, as well as an
atmosphere of critical thinking. When choosing the appropriate forms
and methods of formation among the acquirers of ecological
competence, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the
essential specificity of ecological education; the latest approaches to the
development and implementation of pedagogical technologies and
innovative forms and methods of learning, external factors of the
integration of the domestic education system into the European
educational space; modern realities of domestic higher pedagogical
education, etc.
The authors proved that an important role in achieving optimal results in
the formation of environmental competence of future teachers is played
by correctly selected forms, methods and techniques of interactive
learning, for example: «Words Cloud» methods; «Fishbone»;
techniques of critical thinking (decision tree or associative bush, etc.),
creation of: lapbooks, scribing and QR codes, etc. Conclusions were
made that providing a synthesis of knowledge in pedagogy, psychology,
ecology, English language and other educational components will
contribute to the formation of environmental competence of students of
higher education institutions in English classes.


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