Problem-situation tasks as an effective means of forming foreign language communicative competence of high school students

  • Nadolska Yuliia, Kotenko Oksana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article deals with the formation of foreign language
communicative competence of high school students through the
prism of using problem-situational tasks in foreign language
lessons. The role of problem-situational tasks, the use of which in
the lesson increases students' motivation and interest in language
learning, stimulates their communicative activity, initiative,
independent thinking and speech activity, develops associative
thinking, language sense and speech pace. Performing such
tasks, students focus on important moral-ethical, social-political
problems, seek answers to topical issues of our time. Modeling of
pedagogical situations was carried out, which helped to identify
their main types, components, techniques, methods and stages of
work. Examples of problem-situational tasks of various nature are
given, which influence the cognitive activity of students in class
and motivate them to learn a foreign language.


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