The use of elements of English children's folklore in the formation of socio-cultural competence of junior school students in a multilingual environment

  • Shevchenko Yuliia, Cherkashyna Kristina Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article highlights the results of a theoretical study of the process
of formation of sociocultural competence of junior school students in
a multilingual environment. One of the most important competencies
that younger schoolchildren must acquire in the course of the
educational process is recognized as a key competency – foreign
language communication, which everyone needs to master for
personal development, the possibility of intercultural communication.
An important moment for the formation of socio-cultural competence
is emphasized – the organization of foreign language
communication in familiar situations, gradually making them more
difficult, teaching the norms of verbal and non-verbal communicative
behavior, the possession of background local knowledge,
background vocabulary and national realities, saturation of the
lexical minimum of elementary school students with various types of
national realities, etc. It was found out that the specificity of sociocultural
information of the elementary level and the possibilities of its
perception by younger schoolchildren requires the use of certain
linguistic and regional studies comments. The study testified the
need for communicative and activity approaches in the formation of
socio-cultural competence of junior school students, which regulate
the process of communicative learning, direct learning to the
development of practical speaking skills, and determine the purpose
and means of learning a foreign language. It has been established
that the socio-psychological prerequisites for the formation of sociocultural
competence are appropriate for the language personality of
a primary school student as a potential participant in mediated mass
intercultural communication in the role of a recipient. Therefore, the
use of elements of English children's folklore is effective in forming
the sociocultural competence of younger schoolchildren in a
multilingual environment.


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