Development of emotional intelligence of future specialists as a guarantee of efficiency of the child's development process

  • Shevchenko Yuliia, Svyrydenko Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article examines the importance of the development of emotional
intelligence of future specialists as a guarantee of the effectiveness of the
child's development process, since modern education is precisely the process
of directed development of the individual in the conditions of his education,
upbringing and development. It is noted that the purposeful influence on the
individual by experienced teachers will contribute to his positive socialization,
the result of which is internalization, that is, the inclusion of social (moral) norms
and values in the inner world of a person. Emotional intelligence is defined as
the management and awareness of one's own feelings and emotions,
sensitivity and influence on others, strengthening one's own motivation and
maintaining motivational balance and carefully managing them; the ability to
regulate one's own and other people's emotions well, to cope with them, as
well as to regulate non-cognitive skills, abilities and competencies are
characteristics of emotional intelligence. If elementary school teachers can
effectively use their emotional intelligence, they will have the ability to
understand, express, and control the groups of students and others with whom
they interact. Being aware of one's own awareness, controlling one's emotions
and using these emotions to create a positive environment will benefit them in
teaching children. Educating people with high levels of emotional intelligence
at university will enable primary school teachers to create an environment that
will improve their own emotional state as well as emotional intelligence skills in
their classrooms as they enter the profession.


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