Peculiarities of Institutionalisation of Teacher's Professional Development in the System of Continuing Pedagogical Education (early 21st century)

  • Seheda Natalia Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article offers an overview of the historical and pedagogical experience
of organising teachers’ professional development, provides the analysis of
the legal and organisational consolidation of systemic relations between a
person and institutions of professionalisation. The article also describes the
regulatory and pedagogical support of the professional growth of teachers
in the system of continuing pedagogical education in Ukraine at the
beginning of the 21st century. The institutionalisation of teacher professional
development is defined as the legal and organisational consolidation of
systemic relations between a person and professionalisation institutions,
within which the socio-cultural system of continuing professional education
functions. It has been concluded that the traditional content and structure of
continuing teacher education depended on the mutual expectations of social
and cultural reality and the teacher. They are realised in: social institutions;
didactic models of multi-level vocational education; professional norms, the
purpose of which is aimed at the category of "specialist" and enshrined in
various institutionalised forms of professional development, carried out
through an adaptive qualification approach. In contrast to the international
experience, the national versions of the traditional description of the
profession of higher education teacher have not emphasised its sociocultural
mission enough, which leads to a certain neglect of the cultural
necessity of its social activity outside the pedagogical reality.


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