The suggestive role of art in shaping aesthetic and general human values in preschool children
The modern world is changing rapidly, and art does not escape
these changes. War, pandemic, economic and political crises ‒
all this affects how we perceive the world and how we create art.
Today’s challenges dictate the conditions for changes,
particularly in the content and functions of art. Including: the war
in Ukraine became one of the most acute challenges for
Ukrainian art. Many artists were forced to leave their homes,
lose loved ones, and survive the occupation. Many cultural
institutions were closed, artists could not exhibit their works,
communicate with the public. This led to a crisis in the artistic
environment. The war in Ukraine was a turning point for
Ukrainian artists. All this is reflected in their works. There is a
category of artists who «depict» war, first of all, through the
prism of their internal personal attitude to this inhumane
phenomenon. And the moral meanings and contents of the
artistic images used in these works do not always correspond to
the ideals of society and the universal values of humanity.
Purpose: on the basis of a comparative analysis, to find out the
suggestive role of modern art in the formation of aesthetic and
human values of older preschool children (using the example of
reading and examining the illustrations of two books by modern
authors: «Warum?» (2022) by Nikolai Popov and «Der Krig»
(2022) (Andre Letria (Illustrations), Jose Jorge Letria (Text)).
The research methodology was made up of the works of
Ukrainian researchers O. Brovko and R. Gromyak (theory and
history of literary comparative studies, receptive aesthetics,
intertextuality, hermeneutics); Z. Shavit (effectiveness of using
children’s literature for teaching science to children, methods of
choosing children's books suitable for teaching specific scientific
topics); R. Jacobson (the concept of six functions of language).
Art has always played an important role in the life of society.
Today, in the face of complex challenges, it becomes even more
important. Art helps us to understand the present, find answers
to difficult questions, and keep faith in the future. Regardless of
the spheres of life, a person should be oriented to the
requirements of the modern world. Artists who, through their
artistic image, have an influence on a wide range of consumers
and the formation of their aesthetic and universal values, must
take into account both the capabilities of a child reader and the
educational ideals of society in specific historical conditions.