Development of educational environment at comprehensive schools as a scientific problem.

  • Світлана Литвинова Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання НАПН України


The article provides the analysis of such terms as «environment», «learning environment», «learning space», «mobile environment», «virtual environment», «educational environment», «educational space», «information environment» etc. at different stages of society, education and science development. It has been established that the learning environment in general secondary education must be innovative, ICT-saturated and comply with the 21st century society demands. The definition of the terms «cloud-oriented learning environment» (COLE), «learning mobility of a learner», «learning mobility of a teacher» are given, the requirements to COLE are listed. It has been determined that COLE creates conditions for active cooperation, provides the mobility of the subjects of teaching and objects visualization; it is available in any place and any time.

Key words:

сloud-oriented learning environment, learning mobility, COLE, requirements, learning environment.


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