Legal socialization of child personalityas –subject of pedagogical cooperation in social and cultural space of educational establishment.

  • Ірина Сизоненко Бердянський державний педагогічний університет


The review of problem of legal socialization of personality of child is carried out in the article, as a complex many-sided process that plugs stage-by-stage integration of personality in the system of legal relationships of society, process of forming of legal options and valued-legal orientations, including of personality to the legal environment, mastering of social-legal experience, forming personality is with the corresponding level of legal consciousness and legal behavior; the question of pedagogical cooperation is exposed at subject relations between a child and social teacher, that will be realized in cooperation, dialogic forms of work, assists forming of sense of mutual responsibility for effective implementation of tasks of legal socialization; socialization and legal development of personality, the basic ways of including of children are exposed to the social-educator environment, in particular acquaintance with a social-legal environment at school and out of her limits, forming for the teenagers of adequate attitude toward the positive and negative legal phenomena of social reality, support of initiative of children in the improvement of social environment, creation of creative atmosphere; the substantive provisions of the program are described from legal socialization, as a necessary condition of organization social-cultural educator environment of educational establishment, that has for an object forming for the students of base social-legal knowledge, general awareness about rights and duties, forming of proof positive attitude toward a law and right, convinced of importance implementation of own duties and inhibition of maintenance laws, realization of importance of good behaviour children in public life, vital sociallegal activity.

Key words:

legal socialization, socially-educator environment; legal personality; legal development.


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