On the problem of training and education of children with special needs in pre-school educational establishments.

  • Лариса Журавльова Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького
  • Вікторія Кисличенко Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського


The article deals with the questions of a professional approach to training and education of children with special needs within general pre-school educational establishments. It has been indicated that inclusive education is aimed not only at traditional educational achievements, but also at the normal social life, the most active participation in it of all the team members, including children with special needs. In all developed countries, people with impaired mental and physical development are perceived as equal, having all the rights members of society. It is emphasized that inclusive education is a logical step, which is associated with the rethinking by the society and state their attitude to people with special needs, with the recognition of their rights to providing equal opportunities with others in different areas of life, including education. This leads to the search for effective ways to organize and conduct correctional-developmental work with children who have special needs.

Key words:

inclusive education, children with special needs, general education pre-school establishments, correctional-pedagogical work.


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