The study of self-esteem of deprived teenagers with psychophysical disabilities under the conditions of the boarding school.

  • Костянтин Нечипоренко Комунальний заклад «Хортицький національний навчально-реабілітаційний багатопрофільний центр» Запорізької обласної ради


The article studies the self-esteem of deprived teenagers with psychophysical disabilities. The author substantiates the necessity for defining the levels of self-esteem formation due to the fact that it is natural for teenagers not just to consider the public’s opinion of themselves, but to assess themselves as personality, their potential abilities which often differ from those emphasized by the public, thus provoking non-adequate behavior and non-adequate perception of themselves among the others. The author demonstrates the dynamics of the self-esteem development among the teenagers of 5 – 9 grades which has given grounds to distinguish the objective factors influencing the self-esteem of the teenagers belonging to the category mentioned. The most essential ones among them turned out to be deprivation of daily communication and interaction with parents, dependence on the regime of the boarding school.

Key words:

teenagers; deprived teenagers; psychophysical disabilities; the boarding school; self-esteem; inadequate self-esteem.


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