Model of formation of scientific and research skills of bachelors majoring in physical education and sports by means of information and communication technologies.

  • Галина Омельяненко Запорізький національний університет


In the article deals with the structure and content model of research skills in bachelor of physical education and sport by means of information and communication technologies, such as theoretical and methodological, operational activity and the evaluation of criterion - structure of the module. Deals with the goal, the basic methodological approaches to the organization of the given process, principles and pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation; stages, forms, methods and means of the process of forming research skills of Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports. The levels of formation, formation evaluation criteria and research skills Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports. Author determined among information and communication technologies used in the training of future professionals, scientists distinguish: network technologies, which include Internet technology and technology capabilities using local and wide area networks (Internet technology "World Wide Web" - information service network Internet for access to information resources located on their respective servers based on hypertext technology, using hypertext language files are recorded Hyper Text Markup Language - HTML, and allows you to work in the local and global networks obchyslyualnyh); Web-site (electronic research and academic libraries, catalogs, specialized academic publications, specialized research sites); Multimedia technologies (multimedia lectures, electronic reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, video materials); system and application software (spreadsheets , text and image editors, tools for viewing presentations, etc.); Internet communication tools - email, online conferences, social networks, forums, personal websites and blogs.

Key words:

model; research abilities; of informatively-communication technologies; the bachelors of physical education and sport.


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