Position of A.S. Makarenko on the moral-ethical component of sex education: contextual approach.

  • Марина Волікова Криворізький педагогічний інститут ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет»


The paper studies the pedagogical views of A.S. Makarenko on sex education. Based on the contextual analysis of the scientist’s heritage the author has determined the ideas of leading teachers on sex education in the 20-30ies of the twentieth century: equality in education (N.K. Krupskaya), the formation of children's moral notions, beliefs and ideals (P. Blonskiy), co-training and upbringing of children, respect to representatives of the opposite sex (A. Zalkind). The importance of pedagogical ideas and experience of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher in modern research work and teaching practice is substantiated.

Key words:

A.S. Makarenko’s pedagogical heritage, social experience, pedagogical system, pedagogical approaches, sex education.


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