Object and goal of history education at the public schools in Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia (1919–1938).

  • Артур Ковач ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет»


The article focuses on the analysis of the educational principles applied in teaching history at the public schools in the Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia. It was established that the dynamic of the object and content changes in school history education depended upon the socio-political plight in Czechoslovakia and in Europe; in particular, in 1919-1920 history classes encouraged raising children in the spirit of moral and civic values based on altruism, kindness, tolerance, sincerity, patriotism and etc.; in 1930-1931 the subject of history education shifted to the republican and democratic values fostered in children; in 1933-1934 teaching history focused on perception of the world integrity as a requisite of progressive development of the world and achievement of peace; in 1937-1938 it prioritized the ideological preparation for the motherland defence and possible military actions.

Key words:

civil education, content of teaching, moral upbringing, public school, structure of history education, goals of teaching.


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