Modelling of multimedia teaching technology for the formation of the professional culture of the future tourism managers.

  • Ольга Нетребіна Євпаторійський інститут соціальних наук РВНЗ КГУ


The article deals with the analysis of such definitions as „educational technology”, „media”, „multimedia technology education”, „educational multimedia technology”. It has been determined that educational technology is a semantic generalization and can be represented by three aspects: scientific, procedural and descriptive, procedural and activity. The content and main directions of the modeling of multimedia educational technology for the forming of future tourism managers’ professional culture are shown in the article. Conceptual positions of using multimedia educational technology have been allocated. Pedagogical conditions of the process of forming of future tourism managers’ professional culture by means of multimedia technology have been identified. Monitoring of the process of formation of the future tourism managers’ professional culture is used to determine the quality of the results of multimedia educational technology.

Key words:

educational technology, multimedia, multimedia technology training, multimedia educational technology.


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