The role of pedagogical and educational activities of women’s associations in the spiritual and moral education of young people.

  • Лілія Потапюк


The author deals with the analysis of pedagogical and educational activities of women’s religious associations. The emphasis is laid on the significant contribution of Basilian Sisters, the nuns of Order St. Basil the Great, on the educational and cultural progress of Ukrainian people. Historical reasons, conditions and circumstances of creating the first gymnasium are revealed. The implementation of national, religious and civic education of Ukrainian children at these plots by women is outlined. Significant contribution of Metropolitan Andrii Sheptytskyi in formation of youth spirituality is proved. Certain evolution of educational tasks set by nuns at the beginning of the existence of the monastery schools (the end of the XIXth century) and during the peak of their activity (the first third of the XXth century) is observed. Historical significance of gymnasiums under the guidance of the Basilian Order in the creation of the national education system is determined.

Key words:

educational and pedagogical activity; national education; spiritual and moral education; religious education; consciousness; gymnasiums; spirituality.


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