The formation of schoolchildren’s value-oriented attitude to a person on the basis of the component analysis process.

  • Олена Столяренко


The article highlights the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of the pupils’ value-oriented attitude to a person based on the component process. It substantiates the role of cognitive and emotional components of schoolchildren’s consciousness. In the analysis of the structure and detailed specifications of the value-oriented attitude to a person constituents for easy interpretation of the results of our pilot investigation, we have defined three main components of the given phenomenon. Namely, within the structure of teaching the value-oriented attitude to a person, we can distinguish cognitive (intellectual), emotional and value-oriented, activity and practical components. The understanding of the meaning of the attitude to a person (to oneself and others) by an individual is possible in terms of the three-level structure of consciousness: firstly, due to reflection of the subject in the system of his organic activity; secondly, in the system of common purposeful activity and its determined relations; thirdly, in the system of personal development. At each level the consciousness acts as a feedback mechanism which differs in its content and functions. According to these levels the units of consciousness are determined: a) at the level of organic consciousness this unit has sensory-perceptual nature; b) at the level of individual self-consciousness – self-perception in terms of other people’s judgment of one’s age, gender and social identity; c) at the level of personal consciousness this unit implies the conflicting content by means of collision in the actions of one personality traits with another, revealing the importance of their own features and indicate about it it in the form of emotional and value-oriented attitude. Such moral categories as kindness, conscience, duty, and such qualities as willpower, courage, tendency to creativity are manifested in a person’s character in the situations where they (or their lack) are acting as obstacles to their own activity or vice versa as conditions facilitating the activity fulfillment. Activity and practical component in the structure of the value-oriented attitude is an important result of educational and self-educational efforts towards a humanistic personality in his/her development. Emotional and value-oriented attitude to oneself, which implies the feeling of self-esteem, self-respect or vice versa in the feeling of inferiority and rejection of oneself in the personality’s structure, is an important component in the formation process of such a common notion as the value-oriented attitude to a person. This is the result of comprehension in terms of meaningful ethical assessment of one’s behavior, feelings, and decisions. It is also associated with the knowledge about other people, their attitudes (likes, dislikes) to the others and interaction with them; the peculiarities of the communication process. The person often avoids actual comprehension of negative attitude towards him/her, which does not contribute to correct self-esteem. Assimilated scientific knowledge about the person, the purpose and meaning of his/her  life, information about universal human qualities, understanding of what to do in any given situation, adequate self-esteem can contribute to the positive development of emotional and value-oriented attitude to oneself, and later – to other people. This problem is the subject of our experimental analysis which has been carried out by using well-known methods of personality study, which were adapted according to the peculiarities of the problem. In the article we presented the fragment of our study of the formation the pupils' value-oriented attitude to a person at the level of cognitive, emotional and value-oriented components.

Key words:

value-oriented attitude to a person, emotional and value-oriented attitude to oneself; cognitive component; emotional component; activity and practical component; three-level structure of consciousness.


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