The concept of methodical training for future biology teachers in the higher school.

  • Наталія Грицай


This paper attempts to develop the concept of methodical training of biology teachers in the higher school that would respond to modern requirements. There have been established the methodological approaches (systematic, person-oriented, competence, activity, contextual and environmental) and methodological principles of study (scientific, professional orientation, integrative, conformity, coordination between theory and practice, consciousness and activity, regularity and consistency, creative direction enhancement, variability, personal orientation). The purpose of training is defined as the formation of methodical competence of a future biology teacher. The author has proved that the conceptual methodological provision of training students might be in accordance with the chosen approaches. The content of methodical training and the characteristics of leading techniques and technology in students’ training in methodical subjects have been revealed.

Key words:

methodical training; concept; future biology teachers; principles; approaches; forms and methods; methods of teaching biology.


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