On the problem of the conceptual apparatus of CASE-STUDY method.

  • Олег Шевчук


In the article the conceptual apparatus of case-study method in the context of professional training of financial and economic direction has been analyzed and formalized. Based on the analysis of the modern researches in pedagogy, psychology and business-education the following definitions have been introduced: business-case (description of the real situation of the financial and economic nature, which is based on the problem that requires analysis, search of variants and decision making); emotional case (business-case, where the plot represents the relationship between the participants of the event and which requires emotional evaluation and are directed at search of decision making based on the emotional component).

It has been established that in order to achieve high performance in professional activities while training future specialists of financial and economic direction using the case-study it is necessary to use emotional cases, as the most effective in the activities of professionals who combine mind and senses, and promote their careers.

Key words:

specialists of financial and economic direction, case-study method, case.


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