Competences of six-year-old children in the light of preschool assessment

  • Станіслава Назарук Государственная высшая школа им. Папы Римского Иоанна Павла II в г. Бяла Подляска
  • Хелена Коновалюк-Нікітін Государственная высшая школа им. Папы Римского Иоанна Павла II в г. Бяла Подляска


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the competences of six-year-olds in the context of school readiness. Teachers, owing to the preschool assessment, are able to evaluate the level of mastery of particular skills, namely, what children have achieved, what they know, what they can do, and what they have difficulties with. Kindergarten creates favourable conditions and provides opportunities which stimulate the development of children. Thus, a child systematically acquires competences which are necessary in order to start learning at primary school. Providing information about children, preschool assessment is a useful tool not only for teachers but also for parents.


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