Organizational-methodological activity of Ya. Chepiga as a leader of methodic and didactics section of Kharkiv scientific-reseach pedology department and in UNDIP (1926 – 1938).

  • Наталія Кравчун


In this publication on the basis of literature and archive materials the experience of methodological-organizational activity of Ya. Chepiga in national system of education building is generalized. Attention is concentrated on understanding the methodological improvements of Chepiga as organizer and leader of scientific sections, commissions, committees and establishments.  The stage of pedagogue’s activity was evaluated as consultation-methodological because of rich work of scientist as mature leader of teachers and young scientists. Under Ya. Chepiga’s leadership didactical problems of education were developed, preparation of educational programs and methodological materials for school needs was done, and also complex programs for labor schools, methodological advice for teachers, students books and teacher’s books for educational establishments were published.

Key words:

Ya. Chepiga (Zelenkevitch); organizational-methodological activity; UNDIP; didactical problems of education; national system of education.


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