Age specification of polycultural education realization in the upbringing system of school.
The paper provides age specification of the process of polycultural education in the secondary school system. Age factor has a great influence on the process of polycultural competence acquirement and should be taken into account in defining the model and methodology of polycultural education. On the base of author’s pedagogical research it is proven that there are peculiarities of psychological and social development of pupils on each stage of school education. Polycultural education in the primary school should be concentrated on those activities which are interesting for a child and are tightly connected with his/her social environment. Students of secondary school in the process of education should develop their skills of intercultural communication, interests, cultural and social experience. Polycultural education in the high school should be realized with account that students of this age have clear self-definition, formed individuality, they build plans for future occupation etc., so it should be directed to the strengthening of polycultural competence and skills of intercultural communication.
Key words:
polycultural education; polycultural competence; methodology of education.