Technical creativity of youth and adults in Ukraine (60–70ies of XX century).

  • Ірина Хохліна


The article deals with forms of organization of technical creativity for young people and adults in Ukraine in 60–70ies of XX century. We distinguished three levels of implementation of scientific and technical creativity of youth which cover the processes of general education, acquisition of profession and employment in manufacturing. It was found that from the mid 60ies in our country training of technical creativity methods in the system of public schools and institutions was started, extensive work to attract young people in science and technical organizations, scientific circles was conducted. The introduction of a new discipline "Fundamentals of technical creativity" in 1980 gave a start of mass teaching creativity techniques and fundamentals of inventiveness in the main technical universities in Ukraine.


Key words:

technical creativity; station of young technicians; Student Design Bureau (SDB); schools of excellence.


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