“ON THE SHOULDERS’ OF GIANTS”: sustainable art dialogue

  • Amb. Cecilia.W.Yu 余詠詩, Dr. Paul Atkinson PEPA L’Humanitaire, Monash University


This paper, shared amongst colleagues at the Nobel Prize
Teachers Summit in Stockholm 2023, delves into the
intersection of Art Practice and Art Theory, has farreaching
implications for sustainability education. By
examining the eco-conscious underwater biodiversity
themes prevalent in Cecilia's work and dissecting them
through Paul Atkinson's rigorous theoretical lens, the
paper illuminates a powerful pedagogical approach. This
innovative synergy between creative expression and
academic analysis not only deepens students'
understanding of environmental issues but also empowers
them to convey complex sustainability concepts through
artistic means. The paper showcases how incorporating
such interdisciplinary methods into Sustainability
Education (SDG4) can inspire a new generation of
environmentally aware artists, imaginative scientists and
thinkers. This transformative pedagogical strategy,
intertextually linked to war time crisis management of
Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) for Ukraine, not only
equips researchers with the skills to address pressing
global challenges but also nurtures a profound sense of
creative ownership and social responsibility, with the aim
of igniting the capacity to drive positive change in some
stagnant teaching regimes and sustainable practices in the
world. The implications of this research and its originality
were affirmed by Nobel laureate panels in 2021 during the
Covid19 pandemic, highlighting how art in education can
serve as a catalyst for fostering a more sustainable and
culturally conscious society.


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