Implementation of various health protection technologies in the process of vocal and choral activities of the future teacher-musician

  • Merzheva Larisa, Vrubel Anna Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


In this article, the authors update the problem of improving the vocal
and choral activity of the future teacher-musician, considering the
issue of the connection between professional training and the
requirements of the modern educational paradigm. The specifics of
the implementation of health-saving technologies in the process of
training future teachers-musicians are revealed. The essence of the
phenomenon of professional vocal and choral activity of future
music teachers is explained and substantiated. The essence of the
concepts "health-preserving competence", "health-preserving
technologies" has been defined. The implementation of healthpreserving technologies in the process of vocal and choral training
of future teachers-musicians is substantiated on the basis of
competence, humanistic, technological and individually-oriented
approaches. The specificity of the activity of a teacher-musician is
associated with great emotional and sound influences, which
prompts to clarify the issue of health-preserving competence as an
important component of his professional skill. The key signs of
health-saving competence are identified, the stages of this process
are revealed.


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