Форми організації класу на уроках англійської мови

  • Рутковський Максим Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The article deals with the teaching English to younger
students. The authors describe 3 forms of training which
were developed during the period of historical development
of pedagogical methods. Psychologists have proven that
joint activity in a team of teachers and students is the initial
form of individual learning activity, and equal interaction
with peers determines their mastery of such actions as goal
setting, planning, control and evaluation, without which
learning is impossible. The authors stress that the main
purpose of using group work is the development of thinking,
the formation of reflection, which is facilitated by group
work, since the process of thinking permeates group
interaction. They discuss the forms of class organization in
English lessons. The authors make the conclusion that the
most effective form of work in elementary school for the
development of critical thinking is the form of group work.
Younger students really like to work in groups, so in each of
English lessons they try to apply this form of work at
different stages of the lesson.


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