About the Journal

The collection contains articles on the results of research on the theory and practice of modeling, discusses current scientific and applied problems of geometric modeling, the methodology of designing and conducting scientific and research experiments, the results of scientific research, the questions of training of specialists and scientists.
The issue is intended for scholars, faculty, graduate students and students.
Certificate of state registration of the print media: Series КВ № 21030-10830P dated 29.09.2014.
The collection of scientific works is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in technical sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 241 of 09.03.2016)
Year of foundation: 2014
ISSN: 2313-125X (Print)
Certificate of state registration: № 21030-10830 від 29.09.2014 р. 
DOI: 10.33842/2313-125X-2018-12



The texts of the articles that are being edited are checked and reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the "Procedure of forming the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 32 of January 15, 2018).

The responsible secretary determines the compliance of the submitted material with the subject matter of the collection, the general requirements for professional publications, the rules of the articles. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements for further review are not allowed. The authors of such manuscripts are informed of the refusal to accept the article by e-mail from the editorial board of the journal with a list of alleged violations.

The manuscripts of all articles submitted to the editorial board are checked for the degree of uniqueness of the author's text using free software. If the percentage of originality of the article is less than 80%, the article is not allowed for further review and returned to the author. Authors are strongly advised to check their own articles for plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

The editor-in-chief of the collection appoints two reviewers of the article that has passed the preliminary stages of the review:

  • the first reviewer is nominated from among independent experts in the relevant field of knowledge who have agreed to cooperate with the editorial board as reviewers;
  • the second reviewer is appointed from among the members of the editorial board.

By appointment of the editor-in-chief, the appointment of the reviewers may be entrusted to one of the members of the editorial board. In some cases, the issue of the selection of reviewers is decided at a meeting of the editorial board.

The responsible secretary carries out the personalization of data about the authors of the article and submits it for review. The coded article is emailed to the reviewer.

Review of the article is carried out by the reviewer according to the rule of double-blind reviewing (double-blind - neither the author nor the reviewer know each other).

The reviewer, as a rule, concludes within 14 days about the possibility of publishing the article and fills in a standardized form. Reviewers adhere to the rules of scientific ethics, in particular the confidentiality of the manuscript submitted for review.

The final conclusion of the reviewer contains one of the formulations:

  • recommend article to print,
  • send the article for revision to the author,
  • not to recommend the article to print.

The review form is sent to the responsible secretary of the journal. Reviews signed by the reviewer in a standard or digital electronic signature shall be kept for at least three years.

In the case of receiving one positive opinion and one negative opinion from the reviewers, the final decision on the possibility of printing an article in the journal is taken by the editor-in-chief of the journal.

The responsible secretary reports the results of the review to the authors of the article in an e-mail.