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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Compliance with the ethical standards that should be followed by those involved in the publication of results;
  • Quality review of manuscripts to prevent any actual or potential conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors;
  • Categorical condemnation of plagiarism in articles as infringement of copyright and scientific ethics, and taking all possible steps to prevent it;
  • Adherence to the quality standards of articles and their presentation, adopted in the scientific society, which provide relevance and scientific novelty, reliability, validity, innovativeness of publications, as well as their quality design;
  • Support of the magazine's site on a modern publishing platform, according to an information strategy, which is based on a clear distribution of ways and terms of presenting up-to-date and archival information
  • Keeping the publication frequency.

Author Guidelines


For the attention of the authors. Collection of scientific works "MODERN PROBLEMS OF MODELING", according to Order No. 241 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 09.03.2016, is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, published by Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnytskyi. degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences.

Articles that have not been published in other print or electronic publications are accepted for printing. The content of the article should correspond to the direction and profile of the scientific publication and have a modern scientific level. The author is responsible for the originality, authenticity and accuracy of the article.

The article is submitted to the editorial board in the form of an original layout for random printing. An electronic version of the article should be sent to: Paper version, sent to the publishing house: Melitopol State Pedagogical University. B. Khmelnitsky, Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, str. Hetmanska 20, Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya region, 72312.

Article submission procedure. The authors submit to the edition of the scientific edition:

- electronic version of the article;

- electronic version of information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic degree, address of the main place of work, contact telephone number, address, e-mail).

Requirements for the design of the article: The original – layout of the article is prepared in the text editor MS Word 2003.

Page options: margins: left, right, top - 3 cm, bottom - 2 cm; orientation - portrait. Paper size is A4 (21 × 29,7 cm). From edge to header - 1.25 cm.

Auto-transfer is off.

Font of the article - Times New Roman 14 pt, alignment - wide.

Spacing and indentation: inter-line - 1 pt, all paragraph indentation - 0, first line indentation - 1.25.

Do not number the pages of the article.

Article language: Ukrainian, Russian or English.

Article size - up to 7 pages. The cost of each additional page is paid separately.

A scientific article is designed in accordance with the requirements for professional publications and must necessarily have the following elements: statement of the problem in general form and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest research and publications in which the problem is solved and relied upon by the author, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted; formulating the goals of the article (setting the task); presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results; conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction. The name of the article element is written in bold italics, the element begins with a new paragraph.

The tables are arranged in the text. Above the table, put its ordinal number (for example, Table 1, right-aligned, point not put), on the next line indicate the name of the table (center-aligned).

Formulas are typed in MS WORD (Formula Editor - Microsoft Equation 3.0 only), use fonts: Symbol, Times New Roman Cyr; font sizes: normal 14 pt, large index 9 pt, small index 7 pt, large symbol 18 pt, small symbol 12 pt). The formula is placed in a table with invisible frames. The formula is centered, the numbering is through, on the right edge.

Drawings, illustrations, diagrams have text. Below the figure is a signature to the figure (for example, Fig. 1. Geometric diagram ...), centered alignment. The point at the end of the name of the figure is not put.

Literature is provided by a general list at the end of a scientific article, through a line from the last line; is made in accordance with the requirements of the state standard for the design of literary sources.

After the literature list, the subject line, annotation and keywords in English and Russian (at least 1800 characters, including keywords) must be listed in a row. The content and design of the annotations and keywords are identical.

Manuscripts that do not meet the above requirements are not considered and are not accepted for printing.

Privacy Statement

The publication practices a policy of immediate open access to published content, upholding the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for overall public progress in Ukraine and the world.