
The paper considers the advantages of using online tools to generate cellular automata. Cellular automata are discrete, abstract computing systems that have proven useful both as general models of complexity and as more concrete concepts of nonlinear dynamics in various scientific fields [1]. Cellular automata are spatially and temporally discrete, abstract computing systems: they can calculate functions and solve algorithmic problems. Although they function differently from traditional Turing-like devices, cellular automata with appropriate rules can inherit a universal Turing machine and therefore compute, given Turing's thesis, anything that can be computed [2].

Of great interest is the research in field of three-dimensional cellular automata as having the greatest proximity to the real world objects and the behavior of which remains the least studied. To build them and simulate evolution, specialized software is required. Online technologies are well suited for the development of this software and have several advantages over other tools. These advantages are cross-platforming, access from mobile devices, tablets and other gadgets with Internet access through one of the popular browsers, the ability to use modern cloud services to process large amounts of data without using the resources of your own machines, parallel execution and quick access to the program without installation. However, there are also disadvantages such as the need for an stable internet connection and problems with data security on the internet. But despite the existing drawbacks, given that developers can take into account the possibility of problems with a stable Internet connection and set up a certain autosave system, as well as think over security protocols to protect data, these drawbacks do not seem so significant compared drawbacks of alternatives. Thus, it is possible to substantiate the expediency of using online technologies to generate and simulate three-dimensional cellular automata.

Key words: cellular automata, dynamic systems, online technologies, disadvantages and advantages, dynamic process.


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How to Cite
Zelevska, O., Finogenov, O., Ibnukhsein, I., & Suvorova, V. (2021). USE OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGIES TO BUILD THREE-DIMENSIONAL CELLULAR AUTOMATA . Modern Problems of Modeling, (22), 39-47.