Human dimension of the holiday worldview as the world outlook and value potential of human sociality

  • Ольга Поправко Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The article reveals the meaning of the holiday worldview as means of regulating man’s cultural existence and his exploring the reality. Feeling his imperfection, man created the culture in which he duplicated the world in its symbolic reality.  Holiday as a symbolic form of culture represents a specific value-semantic universe that emerged in the process of becoming a man as a social being in order to realize the possibility of diverse and sensible enrichment of his reality. Owing to the controversial combination of real and illusory via a set of signs and symbols the holiday worldview brings together all known human images and concepts in one common way that allows its ordering the world of its cultural existence with the help of symbolic mastery of time.


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