V. Bibler’s dialogics: continuation of philosophical-educational reflection.

  • Олена Троїцька


The continuation of philosophical-educational reflection of the dialogue and dialogics of a modern man’s cultural-educational life is presented on the basis of V. Bibler’s dialogics analysis. The philosopher’s reflection regarding overcoming the crisis in education and culture in the modern world was revealed; the necessity of the dialogue directed at science and education for culture-oriented “doctrine of science” was justified. The essence and content of V. Bibler’s dialogics were explicated as a special reflection of the dialogue on intercultural grounds. According to V. Bibler’s dialogics postulates, the dialogue attributes were determined as the art to think intellectually correctly (logically), dialectically, with the use of philosophical reflection and wisdom. The main dialogems of the study on  V. Bibler’s dialogue of cultures were outlined.


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