A reception of phenomenological ideas in modern historical anthropology.

  • Анатолій Землянський


The article studies the reception of basic philosophical ideas in philosophical directions, which are close to phenomenology, and it reveals its methodological significance for further development of the social and historical cognition. Due to the reception of basic philosophical ideas the historical being, like the man himself, is understood as a nonlinear, many-dimensional and not pre-defined process, and a historical reflection is fundamentally open for any anthropological interpretation and re-interpretation. In a situation of social and cultural pluralism a very important place is given to clarification of borders of use between traditional and new methods of historical investigation, their complementarity in order to search many-valued historical truth. That’s why, the basic philosophical ideas play a significant role in creating and developing one’s own history, it is an opportunity to open oneself for another culture and it is a chance to cognize other life-worlds and histories.


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