• Ольга Кочкурова


Nowadays scientists of different branches of science are connected by the common desire for deeper investigation of the processes and conditions of formation of spiritual-moral personality. Modern philosophy, pedagogy and psychology give the significant meaning to the question of development of spirituality and formation of spiritual world of personality in the process of its professional training. One of the most important problems of modern science is the problem of spiritual development of personality that in conditions of economical crisis and achievements of technical progress became especially acute. That’s why, in this article there is a profound theoretical-methodological analysis of researches dedicated to the problem of peculiarities of spiritual development of personality.

To the most scale direction of spirituality investigation belongs the philosophy-religious one. It should be emphasized that for a long time spirituality was identified mainly with religiousness and the roots of this are hidden in the system of education of the previous centuries, when moral norms and principles were inextricably connected with learning of religious basis.

In psychology the notion of spirituality is pretty often connected with the quality of intellectual sphere of human, in particular with wisdom and savvy. Spirituality of a human in linked by the peculiarities of its perception, directness of thinking but is not drawn out by the influence only on these processes. Quite often spirituality is considered beside with aesthetic qualities of personality, its leaning towards beauty, aesthetic like art. Some authors connect spirituality of personality with heroism, ability of self-sacrifice, desire for protection of people, nature.

In particular, the analysis of scientific works reveals that scientists in their researchers reflect, as a rule, only one aspect of spirituality. Such situation points out a big amount of variants of definition of the notion of “spirituality” and also  difficulties of its investigation.

It is pointed out that formation of spirituality is inextricably connected with self-development and the unit of spirituality analysis is value orientation of personality.

The author carried out the theoretical-methodological analysis of research, dedicated to the problem of peculiarities of spiritual development of personality, proved that spirituality is a polyhedral phenomenon. The need in spiritual development is native for the human by nature. Spirituality ensures complete development and self development, it is a mean of self-realization of personality, universal mean of expression of its inner world. The process of spiritual development of personality should be understood as the one that happens by means of cognition of self and own potentials.

There are defined the problems and perspectives of further researches of spiritual personality development.

Key words: personality, spirituality, spiritual development of personality, spiritual culture, value orientations.


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