• Олеся Коломак


Chemistry, possessing enormous opportunities, creates previously unknown materials, multiplies soil fertility, facilitates human labour, saves time, preserves people's health, creates comfort, changes the appearance of people. Our lives, health, and mood are closely linked to the innumerable chemicals and processes around us. Using the achievements of modern technology and chemistry requires of people a high general culture, a great responsibility and, of course, knowledge.

The article analyzes the peculiarities of chemicals in modern society in the context of globalization. In order to form knowledge competencies the author discloses the philosophical and cultural aspect which demonstrates the presence of environmental disaster, chemization of modern society. The attention is paid to  implementing advances of information and technological culture in the context of solving the problems of transition to sustainable development. Modern society is now experiencing more pressure than ever before – this problem is multifaceted and usually includes not only the chemical aspect. Interest in this issue is justified by the fact that chemistry has extensive involvement in material production, economy and way of life. The global problems of our time in one way or another are connected with this science.

The penetration of chemical knowledge into the cultural component of human development contributes to a new vision of the world, a new outlook. Interacting with human life, chemistry, on the one hand, has unquestionably facilitated the existence of man and every day continues to give him the opportunity to exist at a very fast pace of modern life. On the other hand, all the above suggests the need for a more thoughtful, weighed approach to the formation of the chemical culture of modern humans. An approach that interprets chemical science not only as a branch of human production, but also as a knowledge that forms the worldview and is an integral part of a modern person, of its general culture, is becoming more and more relevant. Life during the chemization of virtually all spheres of human activity and the profound introduction of the results of chemization into life led to a logical process – the chemization of culture.

Today's realities are radically changing the content of scientific and technological, including chemical, achievements. This situation gives rise to unprecedented ethical problems facing science and technology. At present, it is an urgent need to anticipate possible negative consequences of any innovation, including chemical development.

Key words: chemization, chemization of culture, society, chemical substances, risks.


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