Possibilities of students communicative competence level increase in the context of new philosophy education
The aim of the study is to determine the direction of pedagogical actions in the future teacher’s professional qualities formation. The analysis of scientific works has been carried out and the personal qualities interrelation and pedagogical actions influencing the quality of education has been determined. Difficulties in communicative competences learning are caused by the following contradictions:
1) the necessity to highlight the concept and translation features: in the scientific sense English «communicative competence» means both «communicative competence» and «communicative competency», which leads to different variations in the use of its synonym «communicative competence»; the concept application researchers reveal new approaches to its content, depending on the personal vision of the ultimate goal and the scope of scientific application; there is no common understanding of social, personal and professional competencies, or methods for determining the level of mastering them, which is explained by differences in educational programs, by the vision of the training ultimate goals and the requirements of a particular society.
Thus, the analysis of the concept content studying shows that the future teacher communicative competence is a complex interrelation of the following qualities: possession of professional and personal erudition; the ability to adequately build relationships in accordance with professional and social objectives; possessing a high level of communication and the ability to organize mutual understanding and interaction with various social strata representatives. As a research tool was used "Sociolinguistic method for determining the level of students communicative competence." which was developed by the author of the article
The method of the level communicative competence determining that promotes the system of knowledge formation in the field of communication and the use of the normative rules of determination by the students is proposed.