• Valentyna Konovalchuk
  • Nadia Scotna


The topicality of the holistic cognition and personality development in scientific disciplines and educational practice of the 20th century motivate scientific reflection of the holistic personality model. Special attention is focused on the diversity of forms and ways of person’s development and unity with the world as stated in philosophical anthropology. The purpose of the article is the philosophical substantiation of the cultural and historical basis of cordos mediation as the fundamental principle of cognition and development of the integral personality in modern education space that is focused on the implementation of the "heart philosophy" concept in the national education system.

In the modern world, the significance of "soft skills" development – soft personality skills associated with the emotional intelligence – is constantly increasing. Indicators of personal flexibility and adaptability, communication skills, ability to adequately solve problem situations, to build interpersonal relationships, to create synchronous and complementary interaction in the team are based on the integral personality development with interconnection of emotional and rational structures.

The analysis of the conceptual understanding of the heart in the cultural, historical, religious and philosophical traditions allows to consider it as the regulator the person’s ability to have time freedom and to function freely and responsibly. On this basis, special significance of cordos-mediation principle for the personality development in the education system is argued. Cordos-mediation is based on emotionality, sincerity, sensitivity, and mercy, which makes establishing person’s meaningful and productive interaction with the world possible. The metaphor "think with the heart" conveys the sense of life integrity restoration, the reconciliation of personal potentials with the simultaneous transgressive transition of the rational to the sensory, and the sensory potential to the rational.


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