The role of teachers-intellectuals in filling students’ education and upbringing with human dimension

  • Леонид Гусев Институт международных исследований МГИМО(У) МИД России


The article emphasizes the idea that now in Russia teachers-intellectuals are faced with the task of training highly educated citizens capable of vigorous, creative activity in free democratic society. Thus, the role of aesthetic education and upbringing greatly increases. The author analyses the process of obtaining aesthetic education in Russia and gives examples of educational institutions which pay attention to this problem. It is also emphasized that development of personality’s aesthetic culture is one of the most significant tasks of modern educational policy. Students’ aesthetic culture is supposed to be the integral quality of each personality and it gives a possibility to see and understand beauty in the field of interpersonal relations, professional employment and art.


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Author Biography

Леонид Гусев, Институт международных исследований МГИМО(У) МИД России

Гусев Леонид Юрьевич – кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник аналитического центра Института международных исследований МГИМО (У) МИД России (г. Москва)


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