Cultural heritage as a subject of debate among the Proletkult leaders (the twenties of the 20th century)

  • Оксана Кравченко Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини


The article explains the ambiguity of Proletkult ideologists’ views on the role and place of cultural heritage in the formative process of the culture of future – proletarian culture: some of them completely denied the necessity to consider cultural heritage in the process of creation of a special culture of a separate class – the proletariat ; the others believed that it was possible to use the cultural heritage of the past only after reconsidering it from the critical point of view; some others did not deny the necessity to use the culture of the past but they believed that it could be done only after the proletariat developed their own worldview and their own way of thinking with the help of Proletkult.


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