The universality of musical art in the formation of aesthetic and worldview values

  • Оксана Гопка Дніпропетровська консерваторія імені Михайла Глинки


The work represents the analysis of socio-cultural aspects of musical art as factors of a harmonic education of man at the time of a new socio-cultural worldview creation; the significance of music as an educational discipline in formation of harmonic world outlook of man and his identity is proved. The author emphasizes the role of music as a form of intellectual culture which is revealed in aestheticization of human life, in activation of the aesthetic origin in it and in fulfillment of certain functions of human development: cognitive, educational, mobilizing, compensatory, communicative and therapeutic.  The accent is laid on the idea that close connection of music and other fields of intellectual culture is very important for musical pedagogy as it provides the formation of personality’s integral world outlook.


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Author Biography

Оксана Гопка, Дніпропетровська консерваторія імені Михайла Глинки

Гопка Оксана Віталіївна викладач кафедри виконавської майстерності Дніпропетровської консерваторії імені Михайла Глинки (м. Дніпропетровськ)


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