Content innovatization of the future education manager’s training.

  • Микола Окса


The article reveals organization of masters training in specialty 8.000009 (8.18010020) “Specific category. Education establishment management” at the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Skills in Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University. Masters training within the launched experiment, aimed at fostering future masters’ chiefly cognitive component of the scientific and research culture that laid propaedeutical special course “Introduction to the scientist profession” is considered. The main attention of the special course is paid to mastering the leading elements of communication rules within a scientific institution by future masters. The special attention has been paid to the problem of scientific rhetoric as an art of presenting a scientific report; for this reason we modeled micro-situations of future masters’ rehearsals as reporters beginning in the direction of gaining abilities to report their thoughts to other people intelligibly, to convince those people who treat them with prejudice and hostility of their rightness.


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