Zheynova Svitlana. The determining factors of the "burnout" syndrome in primary school teachers.
The work highlights the problem of the emergence and development of teachers' professional burnout syndrome. There has been analyzed the phenomenon of professional burnout as a psychological fact that negatively affects psychophysical health and effectiveness of the primary school teacher's activity. It has been noted that primary school teachers belong to a group of professionals that are most susceptible to burnout due to the nature of professional activity. On the basis of theoretical analysis of approaches to the study of the problem of professional burnout the concept of teachers "burnout" syndrome has been defined. The main theoretical and practical approaches to the study of the determining factors of professional burnout syndrome have been revealed. The major factors contributing to the occurrence of the syndrome of "professional burnout" in primary school teachers have been determined.
Key words:
primary school teacher; professional burnout syndrome, determining factors.