The influence of educational institution management on quality of education.

  • Микола Окса
  • Карина Олексенко


The article considers the problems of the quality of education in the management of a general educational institution, in particular, an analysis of the views of researchers on the essence and specificity of the concept of "management" is given. There are outlined the views on the effectiveness of management, for the provision of which it is necessary to master its methodological and theoretical foundations. Particular attention is paid to the notion of "quality of education", which is defined as the ratio of the goal and result of educational activity. It is noted that when assessing the quality of education, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality of the goal. If the goals are formulated illiterately, incorrectly, then quality cannot be discussed, since under these wrong goals, the wrong methods, forms, means, etc., corresponding to them, are chosen, and therefore the results of education will not be positive. The problem of the quality of educational institution for today remains relevant.


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